
Atlas Orthogonal Technique is a painless and safe spinal correction specialty within the chiropractic field. The technique is an adjustment specializing in the atlas bone— the top vertebrae of the spine. The word "orthogonal" means perpendicular, or 90 degrees. This technique focuses on correcting the position of the Atlas vertebra in order for the head to sit on a level foundation, creating an angle of 90 degrees between the Atlas and the skull. Specific x-rays are taken and analyzed to diagnose the position of the Atlas, and a special adjusting table is used to correct the Atlas. It utilizes a compression wave force at a specific 3-D vector to shift the position of the Atlas, which is imperceptible during the adjustment.

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When the Atlas bone is out of alignment, the head, weighing 10 to 14 pounds, is shifted off of the center of the top of the neck, forcing the rest of the body to compensate. The spine and pelvis will twist causing one shoulder to drop down, and one hip to be pulled up, bringing the leg with it, and creates body imbalance. This can lead to low back pain and lower extremity issues.